Qiyun Zhu's Homepage


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Journal articles

Li W, Richter RA, Jung Y, Zhu Q, Li RW. Web-based bioinformatics workflows for end-to-end RNA-seq data computation and analysis in agricultural animal species. BMC Genomics. 2016. 17:761. [full text] [pdf]

Zhu Q, Hastriter MW, Whiting MF, Dittmar K. Fleas (Siphonaptera) are Cretaceous, and Evolved with Theria. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 2015. 90:129-39. [abstract] [pdf]

Brook CE, Bai Y, Dobson AP, Osikowicz LM, Ranaivoson HC, Zhu Q, Kosoy MY, Dittmar K. Bartonella spp. in Fruit Bats and Blood-Feeding Ectoparasites in Madagascar. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases. 2015. 9(2):e0003532. [full text] [pdf]

Zhu Q, Kosoy M, Dittmar K. HGTector: an automated method facilitating genome-wide discovery of putative horizontal gene transfers. BMC Genomics. 2014. 15:717. [full text] [pdf]

Zhu Q, Kosoy M, Olival KJ, Dittmar K. Horizontal transfers and gene losses in the phospholipid pathway of Bartonella reveal clues about early ecological niches. Genome Biology and Evolution. 2014. 6(8): 2156-2169. [full text] [pdf]

Kazemian M, Zhu Q, Halfon MS, Sinha S. Improved accuracy of supervised CRM discovery with interpolated Markov models and cross-species comparison. Nucleic Acids Research. 2011. 39(22):9463-72. [full text] [pdf]

Kantorovitz MR, Kazemian M, Kinston S, Miranda-Saavedra D, Zhu Q, Robinson GE, Göttgens B, Halfon MS, Sinha S. Motif-blind, genome-wide discovery of cis-regulatory modules in Drosophila and mouse. Developmental Cell. 2009. 17(4):568-79. [full text] [pdf]

Liu Y, Zhu Q (co-first author), Zhu N. Recent duplication and positive selection of the GAGE gene family. Genetica. 2008. 133(1):31-5. [abstract] [pdf]

Liu Y, Zhu Q, Zhu N. Rapid HLA-DR fluorotyping based on melting curve analysis. Immunological Investigations. 2007. 36(4):507-21. [abstract] [pdf]

Book chapter

Dittmar K, Zhu Q, Hastriter MW, Whiting MF. Evolutionary history of Siphonaptera: fossils, origins, vectors. In Parasite Diversity and Diversification - Evolutionary Ecology Meets Phylogenetics. Ed. Morand S, Krasnov BR, Littlewood DTJ. Cambridge University Press. 2015. [link]